



Sometimes i question...~

when? have u started realizing " to live" ~

being productive, thoughtful, meaningful

since when ? have i really started living alive ~

and so i question myself every single day; before getting ready for bed ~

i realized more

and More ~~~~~~~

realizing~ improves your brain wise, think wise huh?

yah, it really does help !

not saying to overthink

but to think and hear

Observing, Enjoy ~

just to listen to the voices from your heart ~ 

its all "there" ~

one concpet could take you to heaven or hell ~~~~~~~~

up or down ~

or perhaps nothing huh ?

Doesnt matter where it takes you

YOUsimply have the power to direct  ~

DO think"wise "~




realizing  more

and More ~

that has to do with life, ppl AND surruodings ~

we change the world , THE world dont change us ~

and in fact ~

dont ever expect ppl to change for nobody~

"You "  Change for the best FOR YOURself ~

AND so WE  find / found happiness

Live strong and Bright

                                                                                        麽麽 滷蛋~

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    Im MeRiDiTh - Mer Charm - mermer - sharing zone

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